Call for Participation: 18th DOC Rhodes Forum (online)

Press time:2020-09-21Number of views:239

For nearly two decades,Dialogue of Civilizations Research Institute has held its flagship Rhodes Forum – an annual ideas-driven global affairs conference – bringing together some of the world’s best minds to discuss the major challenges in economic development, geopolitics, and society. 

In the context of the 75th anniversaries of the end of WW2 and the formation of the United Nations, and the Covid-19 crisis, the theme for this year’s Forum will be ‘The world at the crossroads again: Reinventing international cooperation’.  

This year, the DOC is inviting students to submit questions and remarks directly to its high-level lineup of speakers, which include current UN officials, former prime ministers, and other experts from around the world. During the Forum, the speakers will respond to a selection of these questions at the beginning of each session. This is a valuable opportunity for young people to tell policy makers directly how they see the world they would like to live in.   

The DOC would love to welcome you online October 1 & 2 for critical discussions about the future of international cooperation. Student questions and remarks can be submitted to 

Register here  

Link to FB event:  

Link to DOC LinkedIn page

Institute for a Community with Shared Future, Communication University of China as one of the co-organizers of the forum. More co-organizers and partners see below: 

*Details of the program will be shared soon.